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Why YOU Should become a Monthly Donor

Small but mighty. That’s what monthly donations are. Small monthly gifts of $100, $25, even $5 have become more vital than ever. Angels has grown exponentially over the past year, and continual monthly support helps keep our agency’s programs afloat. So…why should YOU become a monthly donor? 1. Most of us have a little extra […]

Desi’s Story

EVERYONE HAS A STORY. The evidence is clear that the time for a change in foster care has come. There are thousands of children in Oklahoma County foster care, with more than a third of them under the age of 3. Of these children, typically only 40% are ever adopted by their foster families, and […]

5 reasons why YOU Should Become a Foster Parent!

Are you a parent of older children but miss the joy of having a little one pad around your home? Do you long to have babies of your own but are unable? Do you feel a welling up of love in your soul that you want to pour out onto another? Maybe fostering is the […]