Why YOU Should become a Monthly Donor
Small but mighty. That’s what monthly donations are. Small monthly gifts of $100, $25, even $5 have become more vital than ever. Angels has grown exponentially over the past year, and continual monthly support helps keep our agency’s programs afloat.
So…why should YOU become a monthly donor?
1. Most of us have a little extra money lying around; how can we use that extra change to make an impact and have a positive effect?
For those of us who grew up in affluence, that lifestyle can sometimes make us unaware of how much money we have just lying around. Loose change and one dollar bills, unread magazine subscriptions and unwatched TV channels—all of that really adds up. We go out to eat and buy drinks or appetizers that we don’t really touch and coffees that we only sip on before it gets cold and we throw it away. Can you imagine the impact that money—money we don’t even use efficiently—could make on a foster child’s life?
What does giving up $10 per month look like for you? Maybe packing lunch once a month instead of eating out? What about $25 per month? Maybe that looks like choosing not to purchase that fancy tube of lipstick. Giving up $50 per month could possibly mean missing just one round of golf or having a date night at home instead of going to a restaurant.
But what could that mean for a child in need?
Over the course of one year, $10 becomes $120; $25 becomes $300; and $50 becomes $600. What an impact that can make! Just a small portion of that extra money you have can mean that a child in the foster care system can have some of the best care around because they are in an Angels home. Our agency has numerous programs—training, therapy, volunteer support, experiences for the family to share together—that make the experience for both parent and child much smoother, more loving, and more enjoyable. A supported foster family means a stable and loving home for a child who needs nothing more than the attention and love of their caregiver. With your donated dollars, YOU make that happen.
2. Giving to Angels helps YOUR community.
If you are concerned about the future of our city, giving monthly to Angels is the perfect way to ensure the health and happiness of our community in the years to come. With your help, kids on the fringe can receive the care and support they need so desperately so that they will grow up to be stable adults—adults who, ultimately, hold the wellbeing of our community in their hands.
Kids in the foster care system often face more adversity than any other kid because of the abandonment, neglect, and abuse they have suffered at the hands of their biological families. Being placed into an Angels home is an incredible gift for a child who comes into foster care. Why? Because those kids will be given tools they need to succeed in life because their foster family has received the best possible training and support. And YOU can make that happen. The monthly donations Angels receives support all of our important programs to ensure that the parent and child have the best environment to bond in. Kids who bond with their caregiver have a much higher success rate of being the last of a long line of family members who have ended up in the foster care system—or even prison. These kids can break the cycle of abuse and neglect and go on to have healthy relationships with their own families, spouses, and children. Your monthly donation to Angels guarantees that you make a lasting and positive impact on a child’s life—a life that will shape the future of our city. With your help, our community will blossom under the influence of adults that you helped support as kids.
3. If you could help just ONE child…wouldn’t you?
$10 a month can feel like a drop in the bucket. It can feel like it’s too small to make any sort of impact. But those drops add up and eventually fill the bucket. And that bucket, made full by small monthly donations, makes a huge splash. Even if your monthly support only helped one child…wouldn’t you do it? Your support can change the entire course of a child’s life. And just imagine what it would look like if multiple members of our community bonded together and committed to giving each month. Just imagine the kind of effect that would have.
Angels is committed to gathering around kids who are in need. We are deeply concerned with rescuing children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned by their biological families. But we understand that it takes a village to raise a child—especially a child in foster care. Join ours today by committing to monthly giving!