Angels Chosen Youth Category Award Winner at 2024 ONE Awards
Angels Foster Family Network OKC Chosen as winner of Youth category
at the 17th Annual Oklahoma Nonprofit Excellence (ONE) Awards
The Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits hosted its 17th Annual Oklahoma Nonprofit Excellence (ONE) Awards on Saturday, April 20, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Southern Hills Country Club in Tulsa,OK. The event honored 21 nonprofits from throughout the state for superior leadership and exceptional service to their constituents and communities. At the awards, Angels Foster Family Network OKC was named the winner of the Youth category and awarded a $7,500 grant.
“Receiving the One Award from the Center for Nonprofits in the Youth category is not just a recognition of our agency’s efforts; it’s a validation of every child’s journey we’ve touched, every hope we’ve ignited, and every future we’ve empowered in the foster care system.” -Jennifer Abney- Angels FFN OKC, Founder/Executive Director
The ONE Awards honors a total of 21 organizations in seven categories: Arts and Humanities, Community, Education, General Impact, Health Services, Self-Sufficiency and Youth Development. Additionally, the OKCNP names an overall winner of the event sponsored by the Tulsa Community Foundation. All 21 nonprofits receive at least a $5,000 prize and category winners receive $7,500. The overall winner receives a grand prize of $10,000.
“Being a finalist was such an honor and we appreciated the awareness it brought to our mission. It was also so great getting to learn about the missions of the other finalists. For Angels the awareness is huge, it helps us shed light on the foster care need in Oklahoma and find new foster families, donors and volunteers. The funds provided will help us continue to provide excellent wrap around services to our amazing foster families.”-Carla Dobbs – Angels FFN OKC, Assistant Director
Angels Foster Family Network OKC is a nonprofit foster child placing agency located in Oklahoma, serving Oklahoma county, Cleveland county and the contiguous counties. Angels recruits, certifies, trains, and supports Oklahoma foster families. At Angels, our vision is to be the leading source of support and hope for children and families in the foster care system.
Out of almost 19,000 nonprofits statewide, only 21 were named finalists. For a complete list of finalists and category winners, or to watch a recording of the 2024 ONE Awards, visit www.okcnp.org/one-awards.
This year’s grants bring the total awards for Oklahoma Nonprofit Excellence to more than $2 million to nonprofit organizations in our state. Nonprofits may use the prize money as they see fit to aid current programs or make transformational changes for their organizations.
Representing Angels at the 2024 ONE Awards from left to right: Jennifer Abney, Founder and Executive Director/Danielle Tolbert, Project Coordinator/ Carla Dobbs, Assistant Director/Sha-rell Webber, Program Director-Edmond/Kyla Russell, Pre-Certification Director/ Sandi Gillett, Program Director-Norman