Eat Pray Run
Food, fun, a run, and sun on an otherwise cloudy day.
That’s what we got on the day of Eat, Pray, Run, a 5K hosted by Redeemer Presbyterian Church to raise awareness for Angels. We were thrilled to see such a large group of people come out to Mitch Park early in the morning to run: Angels volunteers and foster families as well as members of the church and of our wonderful community. After the run, we had a great breakfast provided by Chick-fil-A and Coffee Commission, without whom our event would have simply been called “Pray, Runâ€. Without our community partners like Redeemer and the caterers, we could not pull off events like this. They are the lifeblood of our organization—they donate their time and services and help promote our cause, and we could not be filled with more gratitude!
Thank you to everyone who attended the run to volunteer or join in on the race. We love the people who surround our agency—we are fortunate enough to have amazing people who do so!